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Messages - Parag

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Use Google Analytics for tracking and it will help you in many ways like for e.g.,

1) Which posts are trending
2) How many people are finding your blog (Via social networking, Google, links or much more)
3) How long they stay on your sites
4) Bounce rate
5) And much more!!

However, there are multiple benefits of Google Analytics.

Thank you for the suggestion!!
I am working on Google Analytics, soon I will start using it.

Hello, guys!!

Nowadays, it is trending to write something on your social network about your life event, sending emails and much more. Because it cost nothing to write or share your views online or offline. It is just a matter of quality, how qualitative information you are giving to your readers. But on the other hand, many people think that writing is the simplest way to gain more money, but in reality when you actually sit down to write for your readers than it becomes harder than what you write on paper.  So anyone tells me what are the common mistakes that new bloggers should avoid while writing.

General Discussion / Re: Steps to design Popups that works every time
« on: April 21, 2017, 05:46:07 PM »
Use plugins or opt for the popups provider like Popupdomination, Sumo, Engagifire.

Thanks for the replies.

Hello, Guys!!

Social media is one of the biggest platforms where we can communicate with a large audience. The trend is changing and it is equally important to get user engagement on your social network sites. For e.g., Hashtags is booming on social networking sites and I am planning to use Instagram because the popularity of this platform is attracting a large number of users and most of the business owners are using Instagram and getting good results. So can anyone tell me how I can use Instagram hashtags to increase reachability?

General Discussion / Re: Steps to find forums in your niche
« on: April 08, 2017, 03:29:48 PM »
You can also use niche hashtags on twitter. Search good hashtags and follow them on twitter.

Most of the potential customers use twitter to spread the word about the forums they are using.

Affiliate Program / Re: How to get customers through affiliates?
« on: March 01, 2017, 06:01:39 PM »
It is a website where your ads or banner is promoted. Generally, there are two types of affiliate payouts first is recurring based and the second is one time. According to me, one time and small recurring fee are preferable.

Thanks, but can you suggest me some unique ways to promote affiliate?

Affiliate Program / How to get customers through affiliates?
« on: March 01, 2017, 03:19:36 PM »

Suggest me some working methods to get more web hosting customers through affiliates. How affiliates help our business to gain more customers and what are the different ways to promote affiliate?

As per my experience, free tool mostly shows backlinks from small DA websites or paid websites.

General Discussion / How to drive more visitors to the forum.
« on: February 18, 2017, 05:14:00 PM »
Hello MilesWeb!!

I just check your forum and it contains good topics that really help to gain knowledge and engagement are also good. Even I have a forum and in beginning, it receives a good traffic and visitors too. But now I am observing that numbers of new visitors have reduced. So can you guys help me to increase the forum traffic and visitor engagement?

There are several theories out there as to how Google utilizes domain age to influence a website ranking in their algorithm. Speculation is that Google will take into consideration on the date of the domain registered and associate all the documents on that website with the original registration date of the domain. This gives more importance to the website content in the eyes of the Google search engine and also permit the website to rank higher for certain keyword.

What is a max bid amount?

General Discussion / Re: What is Cloaking and Doorway page?
« on: December 03, 2016, 05:00:45 PM »
In cloaking technique data display to search engine and users both are different. There are two types of techniques in cloaking 1) Low Tech Delivery and 2) Agent delivers

Ecommerce Hosting & Discussion / Re: Importance of blog commenting
« on: October 17, 2016, 04:52:39 PM »
 In my opinion, blog commenting is helpful to get a contact or to increase connectivity.

You are on right track and continue doing the same activity.  You will get good results.

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