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Dedicated IP Address – More SEO Advantages

Search Engine Optimization is an art. The higher the Google’s search rank you have, the more you have opportunities to sell your product or services online.  SEO experts keep experimenting on websites with every aspect to get them at higher positions and leads. One of the areas is, Does dedicated IP address benefits more to SEO when compared to the shared IP address?

What is Shared IP Address?

As mentioned previously, the server which your web host uses to host your website is a single machine with a single IP address. However, in shared web hosting, one server can host thousands of websites at any given time, and all of these websites are recognized by the single IP address allocated to the web host’s server.

What is Dedicated IP Address?

Dedicated IP addresses are often used for websites whose priority is security like eCommerce websites. That means it can store sensitive data like credit card numbers, address and other private details.

So is it more beneficial for a site to have its own IP address as far as SEO is concerned?

Let us have a look at some of its benefits:


As we all know shared hosting shares resources with many other websites. The website which is sharing your resources or IP might be more successful than yours. As a result, this may slow down your website.

Adding unique IP address doesn’t mean that your website will load faster but migrating to dedicated IP address will surely make an effect. Rather than adding a dedicated IP address on your website on shared server, better moving on to the server that only hosts your websites. Your site will be faster, more reliable and more secure.


Google have started giving the preferences to websites having SSL certificates i.e websites with https. Even though they have mentioned that it affects only 1% but still it is there and this a genuine SEO benefit. SSL can make your website more visible through public networks and can make websites operate marginally faster, meaning more visitors might hit your site and it might operate more quickly.


As we all know servers that host plenty of websites shares the resources and some of the sites may contain malware. Some people refer it as the risk because as it is on the same IP address, our website can also be referred as bad neighborhood website and will drop your SEO rankings. In such case, it is more beneficial to have a dedicated IP address but with reliable web host provider.

Your web host will usually be able to provide with dedicated IP address and are not expensive. The host will only set up the same for you. The dedicated IP address is worth as the investment and safety factor for your website.

The Author

A passionate Digital Marketing Expert and Content Writer working with MilesWeb Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. All I love to do is surf internet strengthen my writing skills and gain knowledge with each and every article I write.

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