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Tapping Into The Huge Potential Of Mobile Websites For A Better Web Presence

The prominent social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter recently revealed that the mobile websites have created a great impact by having mobile websites. As the time is in the favor of mobile web, many business website owners are thinking if it is necessary to have a mobile specific website. The fact is that the web went global, then the trend changed to being social and now its going mobile.

As there is an increase in the adoption of mobile and smart phones, more businesses are planning to set up mobile specific websites. They are also looking for suppliers and web hosting companies to help them. In case you don’t have a mobile specific website, you are not completely equipped to utilize this huge opportunity presented by the smart phones. Having a mobile specific website differentiates your business from the others; thereby it is crucial to have a mobile specific website to stay in the competition.

An insight on the basics that a mobile solution must offer

In case of small to medium size businesses, their need is to establish a mobile presence so that they can reach on every phone, and thereby they can reach to a wide range of people. A full fledged mobile website goes a long way in creating an impact on the people. Features like directions and mapping, click-to-call, m-commerce and reservation are essentials of a mobile website. For the hosting companies, it is important to offer a great product that maximizes the revenue stream for the business. This goes on to say that you need resource efficient platform that won’t affect the functioning of the business. Ideally a mobile solution must offer the required technical specifications. It must be easy to integrate with the existing offerings. The adoption of the faster control panel is also essential.

Monetizing the mobile website

Setting up a mobile is not enough, it is also important to monetize the website for getting the desired results; it can be done in the following ways:

Mobile Search

The prominent search engines now offer mobile search advertising programs individually or in partnerships. Mobile search is similar to traditional search offerings as it provides with the option for marketing through organic mobile search optimization or paid search marketing.

Both organic and paid search are not so competitive in the mobile market. Gaining dominance is not very expensive and the companies that take quick decisions might reap the best of rewards.

Web And Text Triggers

Web triggers enable the user to enter the phone details on the website and thereby they receive an SMS that contains a link or some other content. Whereas the text triggers enable the users to send a text message from some specific content. Both web and text triggers have been used for quite sometime now. With a web trigger it is easy to make the people using the regular website to believe that the same website can also be accessed through a handheld device. Mobile websites are perfect for some industries like news and entertainment as people can get a quick glimpse of the information they are looking for through the handheld device.

Mobile Campaigns

It is possible to promote the mobile content viral by encouraging the users to send a link to the friend through a mobile website. The link can be forwarded in exchange of free content or even though a blog marketing campaign.

The best thing about viral campaigns is that if it is executed correctly, it does not incur any further cost and it shows an exponential growth as well.

The websites that have valuable content can tap into the potential of mobile websites for reaching out to a wider range of people and thereby getting a competitive edge and establishing a better web presence.

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The Author

Neha Kahnna is a professional content writer associated with MilesWeb. She curates articles on web hosting, latest SEO trends and technology topics. Her insightful content captivates the reader’s attention and deliver a higher learning ROI.

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