Celebrating an anniversary is amazing for everyone, even for a hosting provider.
Yep!! Can we say Hip- Hip Hooray! Of course, why not? This week, we’re officially completing 11 years in business. Another year older and another year better!
Well, this is a cherishing moment for us all. Looking back at the past years, it’s nothing but a journey full of challenges, milestones, big leaps and more. Going through all these, MilesWeb is standing super strong here.
We’re feeling sentimental, so let’s go on a trip down memory lane in honor of our 11th birthday.
The Majors:
Yes, so MilesWeb was started in 2012 by three best friends, Deepak Kori, Chinmay Dingore and Chetan Mahale! Each of them possessed a strong will-to-win attitude and 10x times of enthusiasm!
Imagine a small office space, three team members and just one goal -That’s how MilesWeb started!!
Here are the founders standing as the “Young Entrepreneurs!”
The main motto to begin a venture was to fill the gaps in the industry and help businesses get online by offering top-notch web hosting services at prices they could actually pay.
You must be thinking about customers, so from just a few in 2012 to serving around 40,000+ clients MilesWeb is reaching new heights of success every single day! And another big milestone, we’ve hosted 1 million+ websites to date!!
We really deserve a “Pat on the Back!” for this!
But simply becoming a good web hosting company and gaining clients was not enough for us. We had aims ahead of us, customer satisfaction and offering a service that can actually take your web experience to another level!!

Well, no journey has an easy road. It has to go through all the crooked curves.!! Exactly, we’ve been through the same.
Keep reading….
What’s More?
Part of growing up means maturing in many different ways!
Now, we’ve talked all about the clients, how we started and all that! So, here’s about how we’ve grown in terms of team, products and overall culture!
As mentioned above, a team of three, and now?? Yes, MilesWeb is now a big family of 80+ employees.

Amazing company culture, events, celebrations, treks, and annual parties, we started kicking it off over time!

Active Participation in Community Events
We even sponsored some of the biggest events in the hosting industry. Sharing pictures of the same below:

The story does not end here, we’ve bagged several awards for our outstanding hosting service, support and more. Plus, we got featured in big brands like Forbes, Economic Times, Nashik Times and more.
Isn’t this a feather on the cap? Of course, it is!!
Keeping Client Satisfaction Rate: Very High!
We achieved even this, since the start, we’ve been getting kind feedback from our customers! Yes, and to date, we’ve around 11,000+ reviews on trusted review platforms. And it’s the testimony to our ultimate goal, “Customer’s First!”
MilesWeb is built inch by inch without taking shortcut roads! Our core values since the start have always been building an honest and successful business.
What has made us go super strong during the past 11 years is our desire to go that extra mile! Last but not the least, we would like to thank everyone who has been a part of this roller coaster journey!
Couldn’t have made it without you. Let’s get pumped up to kick off the next 11 years with even better and greater things! 🙂
Bye! Time to celebrate now!