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How To Edit A .htaccess File Through The cPanel File Manager?

 2 min

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The process to add or edit a .htaccess file through the cPanel file manager is as follows:

  • Login to the cPanel.

  • Under the Files section, click on File Manager.

  • On the left side, click on the public_html directory.

  • Here you will see the files and folders.
  • In this section, if you’re not able to see the .htaccess file, then go to Settings

  • In this Preferences window, you need to mark the option Show Hidden Files (Dotfiles).

  • Click on the Save button.

  • Now, you will be able to see the .htaccess file, if you don’t see it then you need to create a new one.
  • To create a new .htaccess file, click on File option in File Manager.

  • A New File window appears.

  • Now, in New File Name text box type the file name as .htaccess and enter a directory where you want to place the .htaccess file in the below section. Here I have selected public_html directory so it is being displayed by default in this section.

  • Click on Create New File button.

  • Right-click on .htaccess file and click on Edit option in the Context Menu.

  • After clicking on the Edit option, one dialogue box appears on the screen which will ask you for Character Encoding.
  • If you don’t want to select any Character Encoding option, just click on the Edit button.

  • After clicking on the Edit button, a new window appears in which you can update the existing code OR add a new one.

  • Make the changes and click on Save Changes button.

So, in this way you can add OR edit .htaccess file through cPanel file manager.

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