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How To Enable Google Analytics For Your Magento Store?

 2 min

Google analytics is a great platform that enables the store owners and website administrators to monitor the website traffic behavior and conversion ratio. Two types of tracking methods are supported by Magento:

Page View Tracking : Shows the origin from where your store visitors/users linked to your online store.

E-Commerce Tracking : Shows the users who purchase from your website and what they purchase.

Your first step is to sign up on Google Marketing Platform. After your registration is done, you will receive a Google Analytics account number, note that down.

Your next step is to configure Google analytics so that it starts tracking the traffic to your Magento store. Steps are mentioned below:

  • Login to your Magento admin panel.
  • Go to Stores > Settings section > Configuration > Sales > Google API.
  • Now expand the Google Analytics section.
  • Select the ‘Yes’ option in the ‘Enable’ drop down menu in order to view the other options as well.
  • Enter your unique Google analytics account number that you had saved earlier.
  • Click on the ‘Save Config’ option.

You have completed the process and the Google Analytics code is now added to your website.

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