In the DevOps field, you need the right tools and software to execute the program or application development. Therefore, software like Kubernetes and Jenkins are two IT resources to ease application development tasks. DevOps engineers involved in the software development field use Kubernetes and Jenkins to develop, design and develop apps.
One major similarity between both is that they both automate the software development process, but many differences among both exist too. In this article, we will be highlighting some of the major differences between Jenkins vs Kubernetes.
The leading search engine firm Google has developed Kubernetes. It is an open-source container management tool which automates the software management process, its deployment and scaling on different workloads. Kubernetes functions on the containerized approach which allows this software to shift the development design to a microservice architecture. Due to which the Kubernetes builds and manages independent clusters with features like batch execution, container healing, and automatic rollbacks or rollouts.
The next automation tool with several continuous plugins is Jenkins. It is designed to develop, test and automate your software project and applications. If IT teams want to modify changes in the software project, Jenkins offers a straightforward approach where you can also enhance the software development process via end-to-end automation.
In simpler words, it is an CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) automation server written in Java which automates the software development for end users.
Related: Docker vs Kubernetes – Understand the Difference
How Are Their Features Different?
Don’t mingle up their features because both offer unique features to complete the software development cycle. Here are their differences of features.
- Automation of application packaging: Kubernetes schedules and package applications into containers via automation. It ensures maximum uptime by scheduling resources based on requirements.
- Load balancing and service locating: You will get automatic unique IPs and DNS names for your containers with a load balancing option.
- Self-repairing: With Kubernetes, you can easily restart and reassign failed containers to new nodes when any node fails.
- Advanced security: Your sensitive information is secured and safe in Kubernetes pods and containers without any need to rebuild the image.
- Scalability: Horizontal (up and down) and vertical scaling are easy with the help of command or dashboard/ single command.
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- Installation is easy: Installing Jenkins on different operating systems like CentOS 8, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18, or Windows 10 is not a challenging task.
- Easy to configure: A web-based interface offered by Jenkins is seamlessly configured in a different computing environment.
- Various use cases: Jenkins is enriched with a library of plugins and several development tools. Its plugin-based architecture allows users to create an infinite workflow for a myriad of cases.
- Seamless distribution: Jenkins is easy to distribute across multiple devices and offer enhanced speed on multiple platforms.
- Cost-free: As Jenkins is an open-source software which makes it free to use. Also, there is a strong professional community extending valuable learning resources to users.
Related: Kubernetes Vs. OpenShift: Key Differences to Know
Both Kubernetes and Jenkins are essential elements of DevOps toolkit. Hope in this blog you have gained clear insights about Kubernetes and Jenkins. If you want quick results in software development Jenkins is the preferred one. On the other hand, Developers can manage project containers more easily with Kubernetes’ container healing and batch execution.
In a nutshell, developers can use both software to streamline code testing and the application deployment.